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COVID 19 – Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) Self Testing

February, 2022

Rapid Antigen Testing SOP_V2 February 2022 (002)

The purpose of this document is to guide Spraymarks employees on when and how to complete a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) self-test for Covid-19.

COVID-19 Omicron Phase 3 Response Plan

February, 2022

Spray Marks COVID-19 Response Plan_Phase 3

Purpose: This COVID-19 Response Plan explains how we will respond during Phase 3 of the Omicron response, if one of our team tests positive for COVID-19. The response plan also details how we will use rapid antigen testing moving forward as an additional health & safety control measure.

Spray Marks COVID-19 Plan

April, 2020


COVID-19: Spray Marks Return to Work Plan

Alert Level 3 – 27/04/2020

This plan should be read in conjunction with the Construction Protocols for Alert Level Three


1. Purpose of Plan: The health, safety and wellbeing is our key priority and to ensure we have a plan to eliminate/reduce risk of transmission of COVID-19.
2. Communication: This is an initial communication on how Spray Marks will return to work under Alert Level Three. There will be some slightly different approaches for each division depending on how and where they work. There will be regular updates and reminders sent out via the e-txt platform.
3. Visitor Register: While we will be aiming to keep visitors to our sites to a minimum, there here will be a new register for visitors to help contact tracing should it be required.
4. Worker Register Check in/out: We need all staff to sign in and out at the beginning of each shift. This is in addition to DJRs/webtimesheets . We are doing this as we required to evaluate if workers are fit for duty as they enter/start work.
5. All staff will need sanitise their hands before starting work and where they eat. When based at one of our sites, there is only to be food consumed in smoko rooms – not at desks, work-stations or personal vehicles. Meal breaks will need to be staggered to ensure 2m separation at all times. We ask that all food is prepared at home and not purchased during the work shift to minimise unnecessary contact with others.
6. Cleaning protocols including disposal – This is to continue as before for vehicles and radios. We ask that all staff clean/sanitise areas before and after use. In addition, cleaning rosters will be established at each location to ensure cleaning of common areas each day.
7. Decontamination at the end of a work-day. Please see the advice in the Returning Home After Work section of the Construction Protocols attached. We recommend following these practices to ensure there is no risk posed to those you live with.
8. Deliveries – There will be a designated point of contact at each site accountable for inward goods deliveries.
9. PPE requirements: According to the latest guidelines for construction the requirement is “business as usual” with the exception of cleaning and sanitising, where our existing process requires the use of disposable gloves. Engineering staff will be required to wear fresh/clean PPE for each site visit according to MPI guidelines – this includes overalls.

How will it work for us?

Our proposal for returning to work at this stage is:
– Staff will be set up in work teams of two or three (depending on division) and are rostered together. If one can’t work, the other can’t either and we will roster a different team. This will apply across the business to ensure consistency.
– Work Teams must stay with assigned vehicles – we will where possible have one person per vehicle.
– We will start at a pace that allows us to meet the requirements of our customers. As this is a bit unknown, we ask that everyone is a bit flexible as very get back up and running.

Emergency Response

Please read the Suspected or Confirmed Case of COVID-19 at Work section of the Construction Protocols link as this also supplements our Emergency Response Plan. We need to know if any employee (or a close contact of an employee) is displaying symptoms so we can act quickly to minimise the exposure to the rest of the Spray Marks team. This is our single biggest risk and there is no benefit to anyone to cut corners. Please use the Personal Health Flowchart to assess the status of your work teams every day.

At Risk Groups or Vulnerable People

We have a number of staff that fit into this group. At this stage we prefer to avoid having them at work during Alert Level 3. Given the real risks of some of our work is actually low (work outdoors, low or no contact with other people etc), we will  consider this on a case by case basis depending on the staff member and where they work. Please contact Pete Bell (0274055622) if you have any concerns.


Please thoroughly read the Construction Protocols link. We will provide a pack for each work team which includes the key resources, processes and flowcharts to ensure that you all have these on hand.

As with Alert Level 4, our success as a business will be determined by the effort of all of us. That is keeping within our bubbles at home, and also within our work bubbles. Even more critical is our responsibility to self-manage by applying the following controls:
• Staying home if you are unwell.
• Maintaining a high standard of hygiene (coughing, sneezing, hand washing etc).
• Keeping high touch surfaces clean at all times.
• Decontaminating when you get home.
• Looking out for each other.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns, questions or suggestions regarding this plan

Spray Marks – We’re all Tidy Kiwis!

March, 2019

The new Spray Marks Tidy Kiwi Code of Conduct was released in February 2019

“Being a Tidy Kiwi” is all about having Pride and taking Responsibility, two things that are important to us at Spray Marks.  We teamed up with BATK to develop our new Code of Conduct; for Spray Marks it’s not just about litter, but our attitudes.    “the way we do things around here….”


Latest Pictures from Kaikoura

June, 2017

The Spray Marks crew continues to grow in Kaikoura, taking our company headcount to close to 200 at the end of June 2017.  We have received excellent feedback on numerous occasions from our clients and the public about their experiences on the roads crewed by our teams in the area.  Keep up the great work guys!

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Kaikoura Surf Classic

June, 2017

Spray Marks sponsored the 2017 Kaikoura Surf Classic, held over Queens Birthday weekend.  An awesome competition showcasing some very talented people

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More Photos


March, 2017

Spray Marks Traffic has over 40 employees now based in Kaikoura.

Our teams are managing the traffic in the area during the ongoing repair works, which are expect to last some time.  Some of our new employees include locals from Kaikoura and several of our existing Ashburton and Christchurch staff have relocated there for the time being.  If you are interested in working for us in Kaikoura, we are looking for Traffic Controllers with all levels of experience.  Please find out more or apply through our Careers page

16640751_1853153024900424_1582737916845837493_n  QHS 4  Kaikoura-Peninsula  Spraymarks 1

Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter

March, 2016


As part of our ongoing commitment to safety and Christchurch Spray Marks has signed up to the Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter.

Read more information here



New Zealand Sign and Display Awards

March, 2016

Spray Marks Graphics has 4 entries in this years NZ Sign & Display Awards.  Winners announced on 16th April 2016….